Travel Clinic


Travel Vaccinations

Please Note: Due to a nurse shortage we will not be running a travel clinic for the foreseeable future

We are pleased to be able to offer a travel clinic for Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire residents. Our Travel Clinic based at the Surgery is designed to meet a growing need to reduce the significant risks of foreign diseases in those who wish to travel widely.

Harston Surgery Travel Clinic now offers a full and comprehensive travel advice and vaccination service for travel abroad.

Our Travel clinic services:

  • Yellow Fever Registered centre.
  • Open to both registered and non registered patients.
  • Full range of vaccines including Rabies, Japanese encephalitis and Yellow Fever.
  • Antimalarial consultation and supply.
  • Advice about non vaccine preventable disease risks.
  • Travel first aid kits.
  • Insect repellants/bite avoidance products.

The Covid Vaccine is not available outside the NHS National Programme

Please contact us to enquire about current availability before booking your initial appointment, ideally 6 to 8 weeks before departure as most vaccines need time to become fully effective and may require more than one dose.

Many travel vaccines are not offered on the NHS and incur a charge. Please see the price list below.

  • Chicken Pox (2 doses): £60 per dose
  • Rabies (3 doses required): £52 per dose
  • Hepatitis B (3 doses required): £40 per dose
  • Meningitis ACW&Y (single dose): £55 per dose
  • Cholera (2 doses, children 2-6 yrs 3 doses): £55 per dose
  • Japanese Encephalitis now available from aged 2 months onwards (2 doses): £80 per dose 
  • Tick Borne Encephalitis: £55 per dose           
  • Yellow Fever (single dose): £65.00                                   

International Certificate valid 10 days after administration of vaccine.

Yellow fever vaccination is a mandatory requirement for entry into some countries and entry may be refused unless a valid certificate is produced.

You will be asked to pay for your vaccines and any other medication or supplies at your appointment so please come prepared!

Fit For Travel Logo

Information on how to stay safe and healthy abroad

Fitfortravel is a free public access website providing up to date health information for the UK public on avoiding illness and staying healthy when travelling abroad.


Travelling in Europe

Your rights & EU rules

If you are travelling to Europe the EU has published useful information for travellers on the European website.

As an EU national, you enjoy the right of free movement. This means you’re entitled to travel, work and live in another EU country. If you’re a citizen of a Schengen country – which is most EU countries – you’re also free to travel to other Schengen countries without the need for border checks.

As an EU national, you can also benefit from EU-wide passenger rights for travel into, out of or within the EU by air, rail, bus/coach or ship. You can travel with pets and other animals in the EU provided you comply with the rules (pet passports). There are EU limits on taking alcohol, tobacco or cash with you to another EU country. Each EU country can set its own limits or restrictions, so check before you go.

Image of location in Europe