Our Services


Services Available

Asthma Clinics

These are run by the practice nurses under supervision by the doctors. We aim to see all asthmatic patients at least once a year.

Cervical Smears

There is a computerised recall system for cervical smears which are generally taken every three years for women aged 25 -49 and every four and a half years thereafter unless there are problems. Either a doctor or a nurse can take a smear for you. It is as well to make a note of when your smear is next due. You will be informed of your result by letter. As a smear is a screening test to to detect otherwise unknown problems in HEALTHY patients then please understand that if you have any gynaecological symptoms then these need addressing and a smear is is not usually the appropriate investigation!

Child Health Surveillance

Regular developmental checks for children under five are done in conjunction with the Child and Family Nurses (previously called Health Visitors). At present the 6-8 week check is done by a doctor at the surgery. Older children's checks will be arranged directly by the Child and Family Nurses. You are welcome to contact them directly for advice about any child up to age 16. 

Chlamydia Screening

This year the government is backing a campaign to reduce the number of sexually transmitted diseases amongst 15-24yr olds. At the surgery we will be encouraging this group of patients to undertake a simple self administered test which will screen for chlamydia. Please take the opportunity to get yourself screened for this treatable condition that can have serious long term effects on health and fertility if ignored.


The nurses and doctors are all able to advise on all aspects of contraceptive care. You should ask to see Dr Ferrier if you wish to have a coil fitted. She also fits and removes contraceptive implants. We are very happy to offer emergency contraception if needed- this does indeed qualify as an emergency and we will be happy to fit you in. Should contraception fail, all regular doctors at the surgery can be consulted with respect to termination of pregnancy requests to discuss the necessary referral. Local family planning and sexual health information can also be found here.


It is often best to discuss things first with a doctor if you feel counselling may help, and in some cases we will suggest this as an appropriate course of action. Whilst we have some access to an excellent counsellor at the surgery, availability on the NHS does exist but is generally limited to those with specific problems.

Non-NHS organisations that provide counselling services locally we would recommend include:

Some common mental health issues are tackled well with this online resource.

Diabetic Clinic

These are run by Dr Allen and the nurses on a Wednesday morning twice monthly. All patients with diabetes are offered a check at least annually. Diabetic eye checks (also needed annually) are organised by the CCG. They will write to remind you that a check is due by one of their accredited optometrists; you may not choose whichever optician you like for this check. All diabetics should take a look at the Diabetes UK website for excellent advice on how to manage your diabetes.


Routine immunisations and travel vaccinations are performed by our practice nurses. The first baby immunisations are usually carried out at the post-natal check when the baby is 8 weeks old.

Minor Surgery

Freezing of warts and other lesions can be done by Drs Allen and Gee. Removal of some skin lesions under local anesthetic for specific clinical reasons is sometimes performed by Dr Allen. Please make an ordinary appointment first so that we can plan the best treatment. Unfortunately the CCG does not permit treatment of benign lesions which they class as cosmetic. Here are links to further information on their policies and exceptional cases procedure. Dr Ferrier fits and removes contraceptive implants and coils.

New Patient Health Checks

We would like to meet all new patients who have recently registered with the practice so that we can make a note of your past medical problems, current medication and future needs, as well as for example, checking your blood pressure. Usually the check is done by a nurse, but if you have ongoing medical problems it is generally more appropriate to make an appointment with a doctor.

Post Natal Examinations And Baby Checks

These are carried out when the baby is eight weeks old. The first set of immunisations can be given at the same time. Please ask for a "post natal appointment".

Pregnancy Care

This is usually undertaken by our community midwife on Tuesday afternoons from 1-5 pm. She is a member of the Rose Team. If this is not convenient you can be seen in other locations on different days; contact the team to arrange this. Most routine antenatal care occurs  in the community, with ultrasound scans at the hospital (usually the Rosie Maternity hospital on the Addenbrookes site).

Pregnant women are entitled to free NHS prescriptions and NHS dental care, the entitlement lasts until your baby is one year old. If you think you are entitled but do not have an exemption card, please pop in to reception or dispensary and complete a form, we will then send it off for you.

Smoking Cessation

Advice and support are available from any of the clinical team. Nicotine replacement therapy and other medications are prescribable on the NHS and the benefits of stopping smoking are measurable (in health and financial ways) immediately. Feel free to make an appointment to discuss this.